我相信,大家都知道買最新[106 美國直購] SanDisk SDSSDEXT-480G-G25 攜帶型 Extreme 500 Portable SSD 480GB要在網路上找便宜
如果你今天買了最新[106 美國直購] SanDisk SDSSDEXT-480G-G25 攜帶型 Extreme 500 Portable SSD 480GB ,可是售後服務卻不好
最新[106 美國直購] SanDisk SDSSDEXT-480G-G25 攜帶型 Extreme 500 Portable SSD 480GB 是在下面平台購買的
最新[106 美國直購] SanDisk SDSSDEXT-480G-G25 攜帶型 Extreme 500 Portable SSD 480GB詳細介紹如下~你可以參考看看唷

High-speed storage for high res photos, videos and files
Transfers files up to 4x faster than an external hard drive
最新出版No moving parts to break or overheat
Compact and shock resistant
當紅網路話題SanDisk Secure Access software encrypts private files
From the pioneer in solid state storage
Three-year warranty
折價卷Product description
The SanDisk Extreme 500 portable SSD is less than half the size of your smartphone and delivers up to 4x the speed of an external hard drive1. Get to work in seconds, transfer big videos and photo libraries at up to 415MB/s (for 120GB and 240GB) and up to 430MB/s (for 480GB)-a speed that external hard drives can only dream about. Designed for durability and style, this drive is amazingly compact and has no moving parts to break. Solid state technology offers reliable, responsive, high-performance storage for photographers and videographers who capture and carry lots of big media files. When you care about your day's work, it pays to make the SanDisk Extreme 500 your portable storage drive.
Product information
Technical Details
Max Screen Resolution:1
Hard Drive:480 GB
Graphics Coprocessor:NVIDIA
Graphics Card Ram Size:480
Other Technical Details
Brand Name:SanDisk
Item model number:SDSSDEXT-480G-G25
Item Weight:2.7 ounces
Product Dimensions:3 x 3 x 0.4 inches
Item Dimensions L x W x H:2.98 x 2.98 x 0.42 inches
Flash Memory Size:480.0

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